Celebrate Your Love During LGBTQ Pride Month With Jordan Jack Gay Pride Wedding Rings

Celebrate your love during LGBTQ Pride Month by proposing with a Jordan Jack gay pride engagement ring.


It’s Pride Month; a time to celebrate victories in the LGBTQ community and celebrate LOVE in all its glorious forms. Same sex couples have waited so long and fought so hard to be able to declare their love openly and proudly and to immortalize that love through marriage. Make this Pride Month one you’ll never forget by proposing while the world rejoices in the victory of love. Here are Jordan Jack’s tips for planning the perfect proposal during LGBTQ Pride Month:


Start by Shopping for a Ring

Rings are the most timeless and classic symbol of an engagement and a beautiful way to mark the start of your life together. Jordan Jack’s Home Try On service is an easy and enjoyable way to choose your perfect gay engagement ring. Not sure how to begin shopping? Here’s The Ultimate Guide to Gay Engagement & Wedding Rings.


Figure Out Your Partner’s Ring Size

Maybe you already know your partner’s ring size, but if you don’t, never fear! There are many ways to find out and it could easily end up being part of your proposal story. The easiest tactic is simply to ask. If the proposal isn’t going to be a surprise or you’re shopping for your rings together, this is a no-brainer. If you need to be covert about it, try finding a ring that belongs to him or her and take it to a jeweler to have it sized. If that’s not an option, enlist friends or family to take your lover shopping. Have them go look at rings just for fun, and ask them to report the ring size back to you. This is also an excellent way to learn more about the kind of ring they prefer, which will make shopping for your LGBTQ engagement ring easier! If all else fails, you can always wait until your loved one is asleep and use Jordan Jack’s ring sizer. It is included with your Home Try On box. Just be careful not to get caught (although that could make for a hilarious story!). 


Decide How You’re Going to Propose

Does your partner have a larger than life personality or are they the quiet type? Does she love staying cozy at home? Is he a man of the world? Think about your loved one’s likes and dislikes, personality, and what makes them happy and comfortable. A big, over the top, public proposal might be a dream come true for many, but could be a nightmare for an introvert. A quiet, at home proposal would be wonderful for someone who loves nothing more than staying in together but might be disappointing for one who loves the social scene or basks in the spotlight. Will the proposal be a surprise, or have you talked endlessly together about getting engaged and how you’d like to do so? Decide if the proposal will be a huge, public affair with bystanders and an audience, a smaller gathering with just your friends and family, or one that includes only you two lovebirds. By now, you know your love’s preferences. Use that knowledge to guide your proposal, and to decide if it will be public or private, big or small, surprise or not. 


Choose the Place 

If you’re going big and public, NYC during Pride Month might be the perfect choice. The first official pride march happened here in June of 1969, making it the birthplace of the pride movement. The world loves a public proposal, and a LGBTQ marriage proposal during a pride parade or event in NYC would give you an audience like no other!

If small and private is more your style, an intimate getaway to a special locale could be just the ticket. Perhaps there’s a spot that is special to the two of you, like where you had your first date or your first kiss? The place you first met, where you first realized you were in love, or where you were when you knew you’d spend the rest of your life together are all great locations for your gay marriage proposal.  You could also plan a trip to a destination you’ve both always wanted to go, and pop the question there. Wherever you choose for this major life moment is bound to be perfect and you could plan to return to the same spot each year to celebrate the day that you “put a ring on it.”


Capture the Moment for Posterity (Pics or it Didn’t Happen)

Your proposal will be one of the biggest moments in both of your lives. Make sure you have photographs and/or video to document it forever. You’ll want to post on social media and share with your friends and family as well. Many photographers specialize in engagement photo shoots and are expert at keeping a secret and staying out of sight on location. Look for LGBTQ-friendly photographers so that you’ll feel the love all around on this great day. If your budget is limited and you know a budding photographer, ask a friend or two to man the camera. They’ll likely be honored to be in on the surprise and happy to be there to watch it all happen.


Have a Backup Plan 

Of course, the answer will be YES, so the backup plan isn’t for that! Put some thought into how you will handle whatever might arise leading up to or on the big day. If your proposal will be outdoors, have an idea of what you will do in case of inclement weather. If it is travel-dependent, have an alternate destination or alternate date in mind, just in case your travel plans are derailed (and you might want to consider travel insurance to help alleviate stress should the unforeseen arise). Make your plans, make your backup plan, and then double check the details to lessen the chance of a mishap. All of this said, sometimes the best stories and memories come from what might at first seem a disaster. If your plans go awry, just roll with it all and make it amazing anyway!


Ask For the “Blessing” or Make Your Own Rules

Traditionally, in heterosexual marriages, a man asks a woman’s father for her hand in marriage. Whether you find the tradition charming and sweet or sexist and undesirable, you may want to consider some variation of this idea. If you’re doing the proposing, it may be beautiful to include your partner’s parents, siblings, or even a dear friend or close-knit friend group by asking for their support of your proposal. You can be old-fashioned about it and keep it as close to the original tradition as possible, or you can make your own rules about who, how, and what this means for you. If one or both of you have unsupportive family, this could be less about asking “permission” and more about giving them a heads-up so that the engagement announcement isn’t a shocking surprise. The gesture may make them feel included, and could give them time to feel supportive (or at least pretend to be supportive) by the time you propose and announce that you’re engaged. You could also choose to bypass family and ask your loved one’s bestie or circle of close friends. If it feels right and special to you, you’ll find a way to include this tradition in your proposal plans.


Use the Ring!

You put so much time and thought into your gay engagement ring and you’ve shopped with Jordan Jack to find the perfect one. Now it’s time to use that ring in your proposal! Your same sex engagement ring will take center stage in your proposal, either as the means to propose or as the gift that is offered as you ask that all-important question. You could have a romantic scavenger hunt and make the ring the reward. Or, tie it to the dog’s collar and call the pup into the room. Put it in a box of luxury chocolates, in place of one chocolate, and let them know that the only thing missing is a “yes.” Attach the ring to a bookmark in the book your love is reading and be ready to propose when all is peaceful and quiet. Tie it to a drone, and have someone fly it in during your special moment. There are endless possibilities, so let your imagination run wild!


Finally, the Big Question

The moment has finally arrived. The day has come, you’ve thought of everything, and you have the ring...now it’s time to ask that special someone to be with you forever. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. Slow your pounding heart and get down on one knee if that’s your thing. Look your lover in the eyes, speak slowly and clearly. Say their name. Tell them why you love them. Don’t memorize a speech and definitely don’t read from something written down; speak straight from your heart.

Now, ask the question you’ve waited so long to ask and enjoy this beautiful moment!


Congratulations from Jordan Jack on your LGBTQ Pride Month engagement!

Start Your Home Try On